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  • Writer's pictureMelyssa Oliva

Less Rally and More Helix, Please!

First pep rally of the year. Exciting, right? Maybe for a few easily impressed freshmen. But for the seniors who’ve been through this ringer one too many times, the rally was somewhat disappointing. From predictable games to cheesy scripts, many of the upperclassmen expressed feeling like they’d missed out. ASB managed to forget the traditional role call, a staple of pep rallies.

Senior Malia Mohrman lamented, “Sort of sad, I was most sad that they never called out the classes. After four years of hearing the seniors scream their hearts out, I was really looking forward to it.”

Many seniors report that they know not to expect too much from the first pep rally of the year. Often it seems like loud music, shouting ASB spokespeople, and a whole lot of school spirit that goes down the drain the second they go out the doors.

For many, the saving grace of the pep rally was the Helix dance performance. Seniors Erik Peiler, Long Truong, and Justin Yakubsin had the whole gym captivated with their moves. The hip hop dance trio is well known by the seniors who always delight in seeing the three dancers take to the floor.

Senior Carolyn Davies said, “They were really cool. They were the best past of the pep rally.”

Despite that, the majority of the senior class agree that this particular pep really lacked the excitement they all crave. All they can do is have high hopes for the pep rallies to come in the future.

Genevieve Foley

Molly Mahoney

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